Monday, June 1, 2009

Lecture #28, Monday, June 1st

I continued with photovoltaic cells and discussed P-N junctions. After finishing this discussion I started to discuss batteries.

We also discussed alkaline, rechargeable, and lithium ion batteries. The most exciting research conducted to day is on lithium ion batteries. Early on in the first computers using lithium ion batteries it was not uncommon for them to cause fire. Now further developments have been done and the technology is increasing to the point where we might have a battery that will recharge in 10 seconds.

I briefly touched on hydrogen fuel cells and will conclude the practical application part of the redox unit with corrosion then talk about nuclear chemistry on Wed. On Friday I will go over the evaluation comments and give a lecture that is very close to my heart and will hopefully be as an inspiring of a lecture as you will see. Please try to make it and feel free to bring any friends.

1 comment:

  1. Fus

    Where is the end of quarter wrap up comments? I'm still following you.

    -Craig H
