To start things out, I'll give you my answers to the survey questions...
My undergrad major was chemistry with a minor in math. In high school I took AP Chem and AP Calc, but I only took regular physics. In grad school I specialized in solid state inorganic chemistry and got my PhD. from The Ohio State University in 2007.
Favorite Songs: Anything country especially Dierks Bentley and Brad Paisley. I'm starting to take a liking to rap a little more these days and nothing gets me fired up more than listening to the Ohio State marching band.
Favorite TV Shows: Anything ESPN: SportsCenter, Baseball Tonight, Pardon the Interuption, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, The Office, House, Seinfeld, and Everybody Loves Raymond.
Favorite Movies: The Hangover, Wedding Crashers, Fever Pitch, Dead Poets Society, Good Will Hunting, and Mona Lisa Smile.
I can't wait to get started with the course and summary of some of the grade expectations and my favorite comments/expectations. (All student responses are in bold)
I’m freaked out! This is my second time taking this course, not because I failed, but because I got a C, but I’m starting fresh and re-learning it, because I didn’t get it the first time.
I’m sure you’re a nice dude, but I have low expectations for this class. I’ve been through this before and it was quite the humbling experience. However offering tons of help on-line and during lecture could help. Taking general chemistry at Ohio State can definitely be a humbling experience. I asked you to fill in the grade you expect to earn in this class here were the results: A+ (2%), A (48%), A- (4%), A – B (11%), B (31%), and C (4%).
First of all, this is college and we don’t give out an A+. Here are the results from last year’s Chem 121 class that I taught: A (7%), A- (3%), B+ (8%), B (12%), B- (9%), C+ (15%), C (12%), C- (10%), D+ (9%), D (3%), and F (12%).
Keep in mind that chemistry is the “central science” and many majors require students to take general chemistry to ensure that students in their field meet a certain standard of excellence. You may have heard this referred to as a weed out process, but we need our doctors and engineers to be the best of the best. As a student in the sciences you will not only be competing against the top students in this country, but also around the world.
Writing formulas and bonds, also stoichiometry scare me to deathLet’s hope that after the quarter is over you aren’t quite as scared to write them out :)
I’m only nervous about making the transition between high school science class and college science class. It is quite a transition between high school and college chemistry. 23 students took both AP Chem and AP Calc. There transition should be much easier, but the biggest difference between the two is the labs. Speaking of labs…
I am absolutely TERRIFIED of the labs!Many students get really worked up about the labs. My guess is that not many of you had adequate labs in high school and it also freaks students out that the labs have an accuracy component. You also do not get points for trying and participation, but in certain labs you are graded on how well you perform them. The best word of advice I can give is that you need to read ahead and prepare yourself and RELAX when you are in the lab. Many students
get a case of the yips when they step foot in the lab. Be confident in your abilities and things will work out just fine.
Don’t embarrass me. As long as you
don’t do this we should be fine. Be sure to spend plenty of time in the classroom (and the library) and know your conversion factors.
So far I expect you to be funny and you seem to be able to make this interesting which is an amazing plus. My last chemistry lecturer went too fast and did too many demos that didn’t explain much so just better explanations and demos are not necessary. I’m not a big fan of demos. Deep down I really don’t think you learn too much from them. They might be entertaining, but the bottom line is that I am here to teach you, not to entertain you. I will do my best to make things interesting and enjoyable and you can always watch demos like this one. Because the coolest ones are
“not safe for ANY of our viewers.” My expectations would be for you to help me not dread or be afraid of chemistry. I’m nervous about EVERYTHING. I don’t want to fail or be in a bad mood just because I’m taking Chem 121. Keep up with the homework sets, UNDERSTAND them while you are doing them, and ask for help when you need it. No need to dread everything or be in bad mood, or be nervous.
I do expect a changeup from R&B/Rap occasionally.I absolutely LOVE country music, so you will be hearing plenty of that as well. If you really want to make a song request let me know in lab and I will see what I can do, but I won’t promise anything.
I hope that there will be enough of a connection between student and teacher in order to ensure that as the student I can do my best in this class. I will be walking through the labs for one reason and one reason only. To get to know the students. I’m not there to check on the TA’s or to make you nervous. I’m there to see how things are going and to take any suggestions you may have. So be sure to say hi :)
Try to get to know us as much as possible and watch the AL dominate in the World Series. I’m a Cubs fan, but I am from the Philadelphia area and do have a soft spot in my heart for the Phillies. The AL?
Remember this? And thanks to Cleveland for Cliff Lee looks like the Phightin’ Phils are gonna repeat!
Some comments make me want to give a healthy
“Child Please!” [Go to the 1:20 min mark of the video.]
Curve tests and give extra creditThis is college. There is no extra credit. Child Please
Easy Exams!The best evaluation you could ever give me is that I am a great lecturer, help you with anything you need, but give tough exams. Again, this is college chemistry, the exams will be tough. Child Please.
Hopefully we get out early on Fridays :)I have a ton of material to cover this quarter and NEVER plan to let you out early. I typically talk past the bell so please don’t pack up early. Let you out early? Child Please.
Disclaimer: Be careful of what you hear from other students…I heard you’re a great teacher, so my expectations are pretty high! I’m nervous because I’m not good at chemistry, but I’m going to work hard. Well I heard that he once had an awkward moment, just to see how it feels.
I heard this is the hardest class ever!Well I heard that he once taught his dog to bark Spanish.
I heard Chem 121 is a large “weed out” class and I’m worried I’m not going to get the help I need. Well I heard that his cereal never gets soggy. It just sits there, staying crispy, just for him.
I heard everyone fails his tests. Well I heard if he were to give you directions… You would never get lost. And you’d arrive at least 5 minutes early.
I already looked at your reviews online and I heard you’re tough, but really helpful and just want everyone to learn the material. Well I heard that police often question him, just because they find him interesting.
I heard that you truly care and wish to help us. Ok, so maybe the last two are true. But I can only help you so much. I cannot emphasize how important it is to keep up with the work. I will do everything in my power to motivate you, but it is up to you to get the work done on your own and ask questions when you don’t understand.
Stay thirsty my friends, but be sure to thirst for knowledge.
I expect tons of information thrown at me, but in a manner so it is easy to understand. I’m ready to go!
I can’t wait for this class to begin Dr. Fus!I can’t wait either. Let’s have a great quarter everyone :)