“The CRC Handbook provides broad coverage of all types of physical science data commonly encountered by scientists and engineers. Notwithstanding the growing availability of specialized databases on the Internet, we feel there is still a need for a concise, reliable reference source spanning the full range of the physical sciences and focusing on key data that are frequently needed by R&D professionals, engineers, and students. The CRC Handbook, in its print, CD-ROM, and Internet formats, is aimed at serving these needs. The data contained in the Handbook have been carefully evaluated by experts in each field; quality control is a high priority and the sources are documented. The annual updates make it possible to add new and improved data in a timely fashion.”
David R. Lide, ed., CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 89th Edition,
CRC Press/Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, FL.
Every chemist in the world has used the CRC Handbook at one time in their academic career. It is an absolute must have for every research group. Its contents are jam packed with so much valuable information. Of particular interest for this lab are the physical and chemical properties of the chemicals listed in Table 1. Throughout all three general chemistry courses you will frequently use the CRC Handbook, so be sure to familiarize yourself with it.
Copies of the CRC Handbook can be found on the first floor of the Science and Engineering Library, but we are currently moving towards solely using the on-line version, which is very easy to access. If you login to this course on carmen click on the Library link on the top red tool bar and the page shown below should pop up. Be sure to check out the recommended links posted by the library and they will definitely help whenever you are instructed to use the CRC Handbook.
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